"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another Significant Event

Keenan is twenty two and Aaron is twenty. Kari is Keenan's special friend.

They've been working and saving for a year. Yesterday they boarded an Air India Flight and took off for Brussels and a back-packing trip in Europe.

Keenan and Aaron are my grandsons and Adam's brothers. Kari quickly fitted into the family circle. Their house will be strangely silent for the next fifty-six days.

Keenan is six feet tall. His hair has turned into a russet colour. His sideburns are like brushes. His face has pixie features , small with a short up-tilted nose and freckles.

Aaron, the younger is taller. His limbs are strong and straight and immensely long. He listens to reggae music and talks in Jamaican patois. It's interesting to hear him call me on philosophers completely unknown to me, in reggae language.

He knows computers like I know pen and pencil.

Before I was elected in 2003, I regularly dropped in to share a meal. afterwards we played scrabble. Aaron found words in the dictionary to fit the tiles he had.

I used words from Scottish vernacular. Andy, their Dad insisted they weren't. I was always more surprised than anybody to find them in the dictionary . I bought a new dictionary for the house to support my efforts.

I used to join them on camping vacations at Sandbanks and watched them grow and change.

They grew up in New market. Their other grandparents were my friends before they came into the world. They're as close to my own as it's possible for grandchildren to be. And now they are thousands of miles away . And I can't help if they need me.

They will go to where I was born. Cousins will take them about. . The buildings don't exist anymore. A town library occupies the site. I hope they go to the building down past the railway bridge. They have been been kept in original state. The same style of housing.

Not far from there is the shore where I spent my early summers. They will see how it resembles Sandbanks, except it has tides that ebb and flo.

I wish I could be there. I used to think about exchanging my house with somebody so that all my grandchildren could come and see where we came from.

Aaron has one of those fancy phones .They can call and e-mail and send instant photos.They have sent some already and my computer for some reason isn't letting them through. If I ever get them and Heather Sisman comes to visit, I will share them.


  1. Heather Sisman would love to come and visit and help you figure out why the photos aren't coming through :) I would love to see the pictures too!

  2. Hi Mom I just read your post. Aaron just sent me an e-mail stating that he "misses home like hell right now". He has only been gone less than twenty-four hours and homesickness has sunk in. He will be ok. I sent him an e-mial immediatley after recieving his. He is really only a minute away from his home in one sense a long way in another. He will get through it. I have not heard how Keenan and Kari are doing yet. They also lost a nights sleep which won't be helping him right now.
    Well I had to leave this comment to go a talk with my boys on Skype. They are a mess. They need to sleep and they are both very home sick.
    But through technolodgy I have been albe to talk to them and help them through it. We warned them about the homesickness hitting, but until it happens to them, they can not understand. Now they do. I will speak with them again tommorrow,but for now they will try and sleep and I will now wait for Adam to arrive home as he is on the YRT from Aurora on his own for the first time. He too will be fine.
