The :Last Of The Mohicans
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Back to basics. This all began when Evelyn asked about
construction in her neighbourhood. The mayor said the new system would provide
the answer if she asked the top guy. I assume she asked the question. Was it
answered and, if not, what does the Mayor have to say about it ? If the system
answered the question, we are wasting time here. Cut all the tech stuff. Back to
basics. Was the construction explained?
I posed the possibility the new system might provide details of
the work order which would allow me to explain the nature of the problem and the number of workers engaged, man hours employed, separate pieces of equipment, cost per hour exactly to the penny how much the job cost to my observant neighbor.
The Mayor agreed the system would provide the information.
Indicating he had the same understanding of implementation as myself.
We were both mistaken it seems. .The software is not yet implemented.
I did not receive details of cost of the work order on my neighbour's property.
The situation led to inquiries in two new directions.
One, to determine from my neighbor, what experience led to the call to the works department.
Last Fall a subsidence was noticed in the vicinity of the water shut-off valve on the front lawn.
It was checked by the works dept and went on a list of things to do
In Spring, after several more calls, the works department came to attend to the problem in accordance with its place on the list
A strip of lawn about a meter wide and two long was carefully cut and rolled back.
An excavation followed. A water pipe was inadvertently ruptured and had to be repaired. The excavation was filled,sod replaced . and a fresh crew brought in to water the grass.
Information I received from the Director revealed the project involved several crews with different expertise.It did not reveal the source of the initial problem of lawn subsidence.
Lay person that I am, it has always been my understanding if the ground subsides, whether it is in a road or a lawn in the vicinity of water infrastructure, the likely cause is a water break.
The unanswered question is whether a water break caused the lawn to subside in the Fall, which meant a continuing water loss in that location over a period of months?
Or, less likely, was the pipe broken at the time of the excavation immediately repaired and no water lost to speak of or record in
maintenance of assets and how the matter was handled.
My second question was the status of the software program to record asset inventory and track maintenance.
At this point I had still not caught on to the name, Maximo.
My first query was by e-mail to the manager of the IT department. I received a response from the Director of FInance with admonition not to ask questions of staff under the level of Director. Attached was the e-mail from the IT Manager, accompanied by my query and assurance to the Chief Financial Officer the manager had provided no information.
The Director of Finance informed me of the associated Director in charge of the program. He added it is not yet implemented. It is complex and is to be done in two phases.
The Director in charge noted a delay in the schedule caused by a production problem in Asia.
I received a table. I posted it a couple of days ago, outlining
the program, total cost and the timetable. Total anticipated cost is $788,611. Software package approved for purchase in November 2011. $38,000 was overlooked and added on in February.2012.
I received information from a source that the Region had purchased the same 2004, eight years ago. and after add ons and adpatations and staff changes were still not receiving the benefits
From two regional staff I received two perspectives. One
stated the prorgam was finally beginning to show some benefits.
Another, the manager dealing with the program was more positive but acknowledged there had to be adaptations in nodules and staff and licences required to use the system had gone from $56,000. to $100,000 a year because more employees were using the program.
That means, additional staff, additonal adaptation costing more money, and additional cost of annual licencing , operating costs are, at least, a quarter of a million dollars more than anticipated.
After eight years, adaptations are unlikely to be reflected in the capital cost of the program. More likely to be hidden in annual cost of operation.
I suspect, since the Mayor's expectation of timetable was no different to my own, news about time taken at the region to get this program under way may not be a welcome surprise.
Nor indeed should it have been a surprise at all. The Region's experience should certainly have been reflected in the advice received by Council. It was not.
If the program ever becomes useful at the local level, there will have been an election in town before it can be proven.
That's the political reality. .
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