A Letter to the Editor
The last meeting of council prior to an election is a favourite venue for lobbyists to pressure councillors to accede to their demands.
Sadly, their efforts are usually successful.
It was no different last year. Three residents from Ridge Road demanded council enforce conditions of an OMB decision on Aurora Cable.
The trio had objected to the application before a Committee of Adjustment hearing. The application was granted. They filed an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. They had legal representation as did Aurora Cable.
The O.M.B. approved the application. Now they were at council to insist conditions be immediately complied. Seven councillors were present. Despite staff advice there were no time limits for conditions to be met, four members directed staff to meet with Aurora Cable and direct them to comply.
The Ridge Road Trio had been to council before with their arguments. They have been several times since, during the new term. They bring sheafs of papers citing federal and provincial laws and regulations. They persist in their dispute with town staff as to definitions of town zoning and the provincial building code. They bring pictures.
Holding the door open for the ongoing onslaught is the support of four councillors and the Mayor. The last motion from Councillor Evelina MacEachern directed staff to submit a written definition of the word "storage".
ACI have sent their envoy to council again and again to outline their intentions and good faith.Their plans are to secure a back-up of energy by the use of three small wind turbines, a conservation measure ...and green technology.
Finally, Jim Irvine, owner of ACI sent a letter outlining a two year history of following advice of Aurora staff at every step of the way in their endeavour.
Still, the Mayor declared to council her willingness to meet with the Ridge Road Trio, town staff and ACI representatives on their property to find a "solution".
Walter Mestrinaro, of the Ridge Road Trio issued a challenge. Let ACI, the residents and the town go to court and seek a decision.
Councillor McEachern declared herself willing.
Subsequently, a letter was received from Mr. Irvine declaring the door is closed to further discussion.The latest development has seen the issue retreat behind closed doors. Councillor McEachern indicated the object was to determine the town's legal liability should there be a catastrophe on the site.
The town's interest is never harmed by an open discussion of insurance liability in any matter. This was no reason for a secret meeting.
In fact, there is no reason, nor has there been since the OMB decision, for any further discussion.
ACI's experience at the hands of four councillors and the Mayor, is a classic example of why the Ontario Municipal Board was created in the first place. There are matters of citizen's rights, which simply cannot be left to the vagaries of the political arena.
At last week's meeting, Walter Mestrinaro was appointed to the Committee of Adjustment by a vote of the same four councillors and the Mayor.
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