It's Like a Personal Diary, only BETTER!
Before I started this new adventure of blogging, I watched everybody who had anything to say about it. A young woman appeared on the Charlie Rose program to talk about her book of Blogs.
Charlie is my favourite and he's on PBS from 1-30 to 2-30 p.m. every weekday. He holds uninterrupted conversation with the best and the brightest in every field of endeavour. It 's my daily dose of intellectual stimulation.
His guest was a professional journalist and she had cottoned on to blogging. She had taken time off to write the book because, she said, blogging is a tyrant. There have to be fresh postings every day, otherwise visitors will stop visiting.
The word blog by the way is an abbreviation for web log.
At this point in time I am taken up with the opportunity simply to share all I know about the town's business. But there's not much point, if there are no readers.
Since my friend Ron put the little blurb in The Auroran , visitors have increased substantially. I keep popping in myself to have another look at it. Then I torment myself trying to remember how often I did that and how many of the recorded visits were my own. Or, on the other hand, not popping in because it will inflate the number of visitors and I will get excited about nothing. A girl could drive herself mad doing that.
Obviously, if my stuff is tedious and boring, the visitors won't come back. Of course, it 's not boring to me but if I want people to visit I have to give thought to how it's being received.
My “assistant” knows how to find which internet service providers have visited the blog, and if someone is reading it at any given moment. This week she was quite excited to note various addresses in the city. I'm more interested in having Aurora readers. Then I remembered; people don't surf the net from home in the evening and on the week-ends. They do it from work.
I discovered that when we were being lobbied to put Kennel Inn out of business and put extra lanes in the new swimming pool.
Anyway, it's a whole new field of interest and communication. I may get up to blogging every day. There's no shortage of stuff to write about. There's just a need to make sure it will be read. I don't expect to have mass readership. I am very well aware of my eccentricity.
In a small way, it's like presenting a play. There is no point whatsoever, if there is no audience. How can the players ever know if they have done it well if they have no audience to respond to their efforts. That's like politics, you can feel when people are not responding.
But I'm not ready to go into that yet.
It certainly seems like you are enjoying your blogging experience! Good for you!